1,047 research outputs found

    Subset models for justification logic

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    We introduce a new semantics for justification logic based on subset relations. Instead of using the established and more symbolic interpretation of justifications, we model justifications as sets of possible worlds. We introduce a new justification logic that is sound and complete with respect to our semantics. Moreover, we present another variant of our semantics that corresponds to traditional justification logic. These types of models offer us a versatile tool to work with justifications, e.g.~by extending them with a probability measure to capture uncertain justifications. Following this strategy we will show that they subsume Artemov's approach to aggregating probabilistic evidence

    Decidability for some justification logics with negative introspection

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    Justification logics are modal logics that include justifications for the agent's knowledge. So far, there are no decidability results available for justification logics with negative introspection. In this paper, we develop a novel model construction for such logics and show that justification logics with negative introspection are decidable for finite constant specification

    Dialekte im DaF-Unterricht? Ja, aber... Konturen eines Konzepts für den Aufbau einer rezeptiven Varietätenkompetenz

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    Sollen Dialekte im DaF-Unterricht berücksichtigt werden? Neuere Untersuchungen zu den Einstellungen gegenüber Varietäten des Deutschen bei DaF-Lehrenden und -Lernenden (z.B. Baßler / Spiekermann 2001) weisen darauf hin, dass bezüglich dieser Frage eine gewisse Verunsicherung besteht. Der vorliegende Beitrag reagiert auf diese Verunsicherung, indem er einen Orientierungsrahmen entwirft, der es erlaubt, den Dialekten im Unterricht positiv, aber reflektiert zu begegnen. Im Einzelnen werden folgende Fragen diskutiert: Wie lässt sich die Integration von Dialekten in den Unterricht begründen? Unter welchen Voraussetzungen und auf welchen Stufen ist es sinnvoll, Dialekte zu behandeln? Wie und in welchem Umfang könnte das erfolgen? Was genau könnte eine Dialektkompetenz beinhalten und welche sprachlichen Teilfertigkeiten sollten im Zentrum stehen? Welche (und wieviele) Dialekte sollten berücksichtigt werden? Welche Rolle spielt der Lernort? - Aus der Diskussion dieser Fragen resultiert ein Konzept für einen erweiterten Erwerb des Deutschen als Fremdsprache, zu dem an erster Stelle eine breitere Wahrnehmungstoleranz gegenüber Standardvarietäten des Deutschen gehört und der sich dann auch, im Bereich der soziokulturellen und rezeptiven Kompetenzen, auf Dialekte erstreckt. Der Beitrag ist aus einer Deutschschweizer Perspektive geschrieben, bietet aber Kriterien an, die auf verschiedene Lernsituationen im deutschsprachigen Inland und im Ausland bezogen werden können

    On the Proof Theory of the Modal mu-Calculus

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    We study the proof-theoretic relationship between two deductive systems for the modal mu-calculus. First we recall an infinitary system which contains an omega rule allowing to derive the truth of a greatest fixed point from the truth of each of its (infinitely many) approximations. Then we recall a second infinitary calculus which is based on non-well-founded trees. In this system proofs are finitely branching but may contain infinite branches as long as some greatest fixed point is unfolded infinitely often along every branch. The main contribution of our paper is a translation from proofs in the first system to proofs in the second system. Completeness of the second system then follows from completeness of the first, and a new proof of the finite model property also follows as a corollar

    The logic of temporal domination

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    In this short note, we are concerned with the fairness condition "A and B hold almost equally often", which is important for specifying and verifying the correctness of non-terminating processes and protocols. We introduce the logic of temporal domination, in which the above condition can be expressed. We present syntax and semantics of our logic and show that it is a proper extension of linear time temporal logic. In order to obtain this result, we rely on the corresponding result for k-counting automata

    Perceptions of IUPUI Faculty and Staff Regarding the Center for Service and Learning Faculty/Staff Development Programs

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    The purpose of this evaluation was to understand perceptions of IUPUI faculty and staff regarding the influence of the Center for Service and Learning’s (CSL) programs and resources on respondents. Specifically, the evaluation was intended to deepen CSL’s understanding of respondents’ experiences as community-engaged professionals at IUPUI. Additionally, the evaluation sought to gather input on new ideas to strengthen CSL services and programming going forward. IUPUI faculty and staff who have participated in CSL workshops, trainings, and/or requested information from CSL were emailed during the fall of 2018 and asked to participate in the Qualtrics survey. The survey was anonymous. This report shares overall findings from the survey and provides general recommendations
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